Ogrăzi în Delft
: Pieter de Hooch, 1659 Vers 2011-02-18 (4954 megjelenítések)
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Önéletraj Derek Mahon
Poet contemporan a cărui poezie a influențat tinerele generații de poeți britanici si irlandezi,și, dincolo de insulă, poezia scandinavă. Studiază la Sorbona(absolvind în 1966), lucrează ca ziarist, călătorește în Statele Unite ale Americii, Canada. Este caștigător al premiului David Cohen pentru poezie,în anul 2007.
Derek Mahon (born 23 November 1941) is a Northern Irish poet. He was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland.
1965: Twelve Poems. Festival Publications, Belfast
1968: Night-Crossing. Oxford University Press
1970: Ecclesiastes Phoenix Pamphlet Poets
1970: Beyond Howth Head. Dolmen Press
1972: Lives. Oxford University Press
1975: The Snow Party. Oxford University Press
1977: In Their Element. Arts Council of Northern Ireland
1979: Poems 1962-1978. Oxford University Press
1981: Courtyards in Delft. Gallery Press
1982: The Hunt By Night. Oxford University Press
1985: Antarctica. Gallery Press
1990: The Chinese Restaurant in Portrush: Selected Poems. Gallery Press
1991: Selected Poems. Viking
1992: The Yaddo Letter. Gallery Press
1995: The Hudson Letter. Gallery Press
1997: The Yellow Book. Gallery Press
1999: Collected Poems. Gallery Press
2001: Selected Poems. Penguin
2005: Harbour Lights. Gallery Press (winner of the 2006 Irish Times Poetry Now Award)
2007: Somewhere the Wave. Gallery Press
2008: Life on Earth. Gallery Press (shortlisted for the 2009 International Griffin Poetry Prize; winner of the 2009 Irish Times Poetry Now Award)
2010: An Autumn Wind. Gallery Press