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Önéletraj Khalil Gibran
Khalil Gibran (born Gubran Khalil Gubran bin Mikhā'īl bin Sa'ad; January 3, 1883 – April 10, 1931) also known as Kahlil Gibran, was a Lebanese American artist, poet, and writer. Born in the town of Bsharri in modern-day Lebanon (then part of the Ottoman Mount Lebanon mutasarrifate), as a young man he immigrated with his family to the United States where he studied art and began his literary career. He is chiefly known in the English speaking world for his 1923 book The Prophet, a series of philosophical essays written in English prose. An early example of Inspirational fiction, the book sold well despite a cool critical reception, and became extremely popular in the 1960s counterculture. Gibran is the third best-selling poet of all time, behind Shakespeare and Lao-Tzu.
In English, prior to his death:
• The Madman (1918) Twenty Drawings (1919)
• The Forerunner (1920)
• The Prophet, (1923)
• Sand and Foam (1926)
• Kingdom of the Imagination (1927)
• Jesus, The Son of Man (1928)
• The Earth Gods (1931)
Posthumous, in English:
• The Wanderer (1932)
• The Garden of the Prophet (1933)
• Lazarus and his Beloved (Play, 1933)
• Prose Poems (1934)
• Secrets of the Heart (1947)
• A Treasury of Kahlil Gibran (1951)
• A Self-Portrait (1959)
• Thoughts and Meditations (1960)
• A Second Treasury of Kahlil Gibran (1962)
• Spiritual Sayings (1962)
• Voice of the Master (1963)
• Mirrors of the Soul (1965)
• Between Night & Morn (1972)
• A Third Treasury of Kahlil Gibran (1975)
• The Storm (1994)
• The Beloved (1994)
• The Vision (1994)
• Eye of the Prophet (1995)
• The Treasured Writings of Kahlil Gibran (1995)