I am an It professional who discovered poetry late in life. I have been writing for about 15 years, now. I write to express what I have trouble saying verbally. I write about family, people I observe, or events that affect my life in some way.
My writing reflects what I have felt, observed or experienced. I am not compelled to write about things for which I have no relevant experience.
I am posting poems that I wrote most recently, that reflect realizations I have had that all is not what it seems, that age is a mark on the calendar and does not define creativity or passions. I realized that feelings of love or affection have no standard or consistent point of reference, and it always surprises you when it manifests itself.
I hope those of you that choose to read what I write, enjoy my journey of words and stories.
Az irodalom, kultúra és vers háza. Írj és élvezd a cikkeket, esszéket, prózát, klasszihus verseket és versenyeket