Constantinos Grigoriadis(Κωνσταντίνος Γρηγοριάδης) is a Greek writer.
Born 28-2-1955 in Thessaloniki(Greece)
A number of his poems have been translated in many languages and have been included in Anthologies,Post Cards,Web Sites for Poetry etc...
A new book with Constanitnos Grigoriadis' poems is already out for sell with the title "Dear Soul".The poems of this book contain themes about Intentity, Life, Death and Love.A part of the poetic themes in this book are imaginary, other parts are based on the confessions from people around the writer about their lives...and a small part of the themes contain the personal thoughts, expiriences and views of the writer.
Az irodalom, kultúra és vers háza. Írj és élvezd a cikkeket, esszéket, prózát, klasszihus verseket és versenyeket