Önéletraj Sonnet Mondal(World Poet & National Poet of India)
'''Sonnet Mondal'''(30.12.1990) is a contemporary Indian National and International poet in English language who presents his verses in his poetry in a rhythmic and lyrical manner.The subject of his poetries touch upon those philosophies that are being forgotten in today's life.He has given a new dimension to the landscape of English poetry.His English is very much an Indian English that defamilarise from American or Australlian English.The simplicity in his poems has brought him closer to even nonpoetry loving persons.He was born in Asansol of West Bengal and presently lives in Durgapur, West Bengal in India.His first book ''"A Poetic Peep Into The Post'' ''Modern World"'' fetched him the '''National Poet''' certification by Dr. A.P.J Abdul Kalam in June 2007.He has also received a Governor's acknowledgement letter in June 2007.He has got appreciation and acknowledgement from many National an International institutions like United Bank of India,Drury University,U.S.A,International Poetry Forum ,France,St. Michael's,Hemsheela etc.He has been made a Featured Poet in the list of Great poets by Australlian Society of Poets,International poetry forum,France and International best poems collection,France.He is the most commented poet in Poemhunter Forum,France.In December 2007 he got a special yellow page appreciation from Dorrance Publishing & co. with an offer of publishing.Authorhouse,Wl Poets agency and The Undergroung Literature Publishers have also given him appreciation and publication offers.In January 2008 he became the youngest official member poet of World Poetry Society(W.P.S).In one year he has got thousands of appreciation from peoples of countries like U.S.A.,U.K,France,Germany,Ireland,Iceland, Scotland,India,Srilanka,Pakistan,Japan,China,Mexico,Canada,South Africa,Nigeria,Turkey,Bangladesh,Finland,Saudi Arabia,Egypt,Uruguay,Sweeden,Australlia,NewZealand to name a few.
People believe he is still to uncover new dimensions in philosophy and poetry.