2005 – “Lover from the Internet” (“Iubitul de pe internet”), in the “Formul As” Magazine (Year XV, number 686 [38], 3 – 10 October 2005), page 13, and on http://www.formula-as.ro/articol.php?nrrev=686&&idart=6672&&numecap=Societate&&cc=iubitul%20de%20pe%20internet, published in Romanian language
IIIrd PLACE (AWARD: 10.000.000 lei) - "Te most beautiful love story of the year" ("Cea mai frumoasa poveste de dragoste a anullui"):
2004 – “Romanian Red Cross would be nothing without its wonderful people!” (“N-ar fi nimic Crucea Rosie Romană fără oamenii ei minunati!”), in the “Atitudini Studentesti” (nr. 2/2004) magazine, Alba Iulia city, Romania, published in Romanian language
1999 – articles in the electronic magazine „E 99”, as a part of the international Program „International Education And Resource Network” (AWARD: 10 days in Eforie Sud city, on Romanian beach):
“The sun in asiro-babilinian civilization” („Soarele în civilizația asiro-babiliniană”), published in Romanian and English language
http://www.iearn.dej.ro/projects/Eclipsa99/FirstPhase/istori4.htm#Soarele in civilizatia asiro-babiloniana, published in Romanian and English language
“Can sun to scare us?” („Poate soarele să ne sperie?”), published in Romanian and English language
http://www.iearn.dej.ro/projects/Eclipsa99/FirstPhase/istori4.htm#Poate soarele sa ne sperie
“The culture of our ancestors, the dacs” („Cultura strămosilor nostri daci”), published in Romanian and English language
http://www.iearn.dej.ro/projects/Eclipsa99/FirstPhase/istori4.htm#Cultura stramosilor nostri daci