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Sorana Lucia Salomeia[angel85] |
Love is the freedom of the heart that blooms in the warm hands of an angel like the rose of infinity... |

Lakóhelye: Iasi
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Önéletraj Sorana Lucia Salomeia
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Önéletraj Sorana Lucia Salomeia
My name is Sorana and am 20 years old.
I am from Romania and am currently a student at the Foreign Languages and Literatures University, majoring in English and Spanish.
Besides reading good literature and playing the piano (classical music), I also love writing poetry and prose poetry in English.
I have been writing literature in English for around 4 years and now have a collection of over 300 poems.
In March 2004 I also had an English poetry book edited, “Meditation on a Rainy Day”.
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