I am 57 seven year old male who is very interested in communicating through the written word. I am married to a wonderful Colombian lady, after having lost my first wife to Cancer in '98.
Since that time I have written and published a number of poems and essays through authorhouse, mostly to get them in circulation rather than anything else. Having experienced some fairly drole stuff on the market, that even in its occassional humor, is usually philosophically inaccuarate, and I feeling as if I couldn't do any worse, why not.
I have been a participant in the Theosophical Movement for some 30 years as a student of its compiled ancient philosophy and a platform speaker.
I have a very strong feeling for human freedom and welfare, so, therefore I have worked in the medical profession in many capacities. I, now work in D.C. for Health and Human Services.
Az irodalom, kultúra és vers háza. Írj és élvezd a cikkeket, esszéket, prózát, klasszihus verseket és versenyeket